

hummer,原由 Aaron.huo 上載。


Your Hummer photo

Hi Aaron.huo,

Here's a personal note from chowdawg:

We are working on coverage of the landlord who drove his Hummer through his renter's house, and your image would be an ideal addition. We at NowPublic would very much appreciate its use, with proper attribution to you, of course. You are also welcome to add to the story in the comments field, all accessible through the link below. If you run into any problems, you can always email me at cchowaniec@nowpublic.com.

please click on this link - where you can approve or reject its use:


NowPublic is a news sharing community that uses stories, photos, & videos from sources like you.

If you would like to learn more about this request, and the context in which your photo might be used, click on this link:


If you do give your permission, your photo will always remain your property, and whatever license you have specified will follow its use on NowPublic.com

If you have any concerns about this, please contact our Quality Assurance Coordinator at quality@nowpublic.com
